Best EMS Life podcast with special guest Billie Sell EMT-P

Episode 12 with special guest, Billie Sell 

Billie has been in EMS for 21 years. She has held the position of EMT, fire fighter, paramedic,  FTO, flight paramedic,  supervisor, and now Clinical Manager. “Making paramedicine a career has been the most amazing thing”. 

Showing others that this career isn’t a stepping stone is a passion of hers. Billie leads by example and truly cares about the people she leads. “I want to inspire other paramedics, especially women, that career advancement is possible,  and it’s pretty amazing!”


Twitter: Billie Sell

Linkedin: Billie Sell

Mentioned in this episode:

She Thinks Like A Boss book

Strengths Finder 2.0 (recently rebranded to Clifton Strengths)

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Theme Music by Rick Munoz:
Instagram @rimshot_drummer

YouTube: Rimshot Drummer

*Disclaimer* The opinions and views expressed in this podcast (and all social channels) are mine and not that of my employer. Creative liberty taken to protect the identity of patients and other people in stories/examples unless otherwise stated.