When I learned this, everything changed.
Quick disclaimer…I am not an MD, nor am I giving you any medical advise.
I am going to keep this super basic. If you want the finer deets….GI (my new abbreviation for Google It)!!
Insulin is a fat storage hormone.
Insulin goes up when your glucose goes up.
Your glucose and insulin go up every time you eat.
Some foods spike higher levels than others (duh!).
Sugar, Flour, Alcohol spike it highest.
Do you see where I’m going here?
Fat and Protein spike it the least.
I know what you are thinking….BACON. BUTTER!!
If you want to lose weight you MUST keep your insulin low.
When you eat, glucose and insulin go up.
Your muscles and liver get their needed glucose, and what is left is stored as fat.
You eat again in 2-4 hours…the same thing happens…again and again and again.
One day you wake up and your flight suit is a bit more snug.
You notice at quarterly weigh-ins that your up a few pounds.
Let me help you create an eating protocol that works for YOUR body and YOUR schedule.
Speaking of schedules, click on the Book Now button and get on mine.
Let’s talk for 30min and get you on your way to feeling CONFIDENT & COMFORTABLE in that flight suit again!!
xo. Valerie