What is Possible?

What is possible is up to you

Do you spend time thinking about why things are “impossible” for you?⁠
What if you started think about what could be possible?⁠
I know this for sure, it feels a hell of a lot better than thinking about impossibility!⁠
Impossible is only TEMPORARY when you focus on what is possible.⁠
Start by never saying these words again “it’s impossible for me to lose weight right now”.⁠
Reframe it with “it could be POSSIBLE for me to lose weight right now”⁠
Practice thinking that thought, on purpose, many times per day.⁠
See what happens.⁠
What is possible for you is totally up to YOU.⁠
Have a lovely weekend.⁠
xo. Valerie⁠

PS. if you are ready to take the next step, click below to book a free consult phone call with me!

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.


Free food

The Food we eat matters.⁠

What we put inside out bodies shows up in how our bodies look on the outside.⁠

I know that a lot of places are giving EMS and Healthcare workers “free food”.⁠

But is it really “free”?⁠

It might not cost you money for that food, but it will cost you something.⁠

Are you willing to keep paying for that overweight body?⁠

Just because something is “free” does not mean you have to eat it either.⁠

You don’t need a fast food restaurant giving you free food to feel appreciated.⁠

The feeling of appreciation comes only from your thoughts….not the free things companies are giving away to EMS and Healthcare workers.⁠

Appreciate yourself.⁠

Appreciate others.⁠

I dare you to tell 5 people today how much you appreciate them. ⁠

Be safe out there!⁠

xo. Valerie⁠

PS. I made a video just for you called the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.  Please click the button below to watch it!

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Enough is enough

Enough is enough

Have you had enough?⁠

Enough waking up feeling like shit?⁠

Enough self judgement?⁠

Enough overeating?⁠

We all will reach a tipping point when we have simply had ENOUGH and start seeking a solution.⁠

My solution is unlike anything you’ve tried in the past.⁠

You have tried enough diets that don’t work.⁠

You have done enough bull shit to lose weight.⁠

When you have had enough and are ready for transformation lets talk.⁠

I have enough time for you.⁠

xo. Valerie⁠

ps. if you are ready to take the next step, book a free consult call with me.  Click the button below to go to my schedule and pick and day and time that works best for you!

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.



If you are feeling like the world is so negative right now listen up.⁠

Why are you focusing on the negativity?⁠

Our brain is built with negativity bias. It is constantly looking for negativity as a way to keep us safe. ⁠

Good to know, and thank you brain for trying to keep me safe.⁠

Did you know that you can choose to focus on the positive? Yep, even during a pandemic.⁠

My husband is the best at this. But, he works at it. ⁠

This is really hard for me. I like focus on the negative. I think it feels protective in a way. ⁠

What sucks, is that when I focus on the negative things I feel shitty. ⁠

Then my brain offers up ways to feel better…and the quickest way to do that is with food. Especially sweets. I eat them, then guess what??? I feel shitty again.⁠

This turns into a negative feedback loop.⁠

I can see now when this is starting for me and I have to force myself out of the negative feedback loop.⁠

Here’s how I change my perspective….I start thinking about everything I am grateful for. Start with your body, get specific…I am grateful for my brain, my vision, the sense of smell, the taste of my favorite food, my ears to hear the sounds of my kids laughing….you get the idea. ⁠

If you are feeling really negative at work, see if you can find 25 things to be grateful for…I’m grateful for the helicopter, our mechanics that keep them working and safe, the pilots for having the skills and knowledge to fly, Zoll monitor to monitor patients, and so on.⁠

This takes practice and patience.⁠

Give it a try and see how you feel. ⁠

I am so grateful for you.⁠

You can do this. WE can do this!!⁠

xoxo. Valerie⁠

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Shadows of Stress

AC shadow

Shadow of stress. That is what I see in this photo.⁠

The stress follows us, everywhere we go.⁠

It is always there.⁠

The stress of flight physiology on our bodies.⁠

Day after day.⁠

You might not realize how this is impacting your weight.⁠

But it is. ⁠

We learn about what flight physiology does to our patients, and we talk about how it can affect the pilots…but, do we stop and think about how this affects the patient care provider?⁠

No, because we are so focused on taking care of the patient that we completely ignore ourselves.⁠

Over time, this not paying attention to our own stressors of flight will negatively effect us.⁠

To build resiliency to the stressors of flight, we need to be proactive, no reactive.⁠

Hydrate. Set a timer if you have to. Especially since most of us a masking all day at work…you gotta get that water in your body.⁠

Sleep. Make this a priority and protect your sleep. ⁠

Get physical. Move your body. Workout. Run. Walk. Bike. Get that heart pumping. I hear people giving radio reports with masks on and they are totally short of breath…We need to build our endurance. ⁠

Eat nutritious, whole foods. Fat, Protein, Veg, Fruit, Whole Grains. Eat foods that make you FEEL amazing, not bogged down, heavy, and needing a nap after you eat.⁠

Practice deep breathing. Having the ability to suppress the sympathetic nervous system is key to reducing stress. Just 5 slow, deep breaths will lower your heart rate, and reduce cortisol levels. Do this…a lot. On your way to a call. During the call, while taking care of the patient, after the call, when you are checking your 390th email of the day….Get really good at it, so when you are feeling overwhelmed with stress, you know relief is just 5 deeps breaths away!⁠

You can do this. WE can do this.⁠

Much love and appreciation to you all.⁠

xo. Valerie⁠

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.


Weight Loss comes from the decisions you make.⁠

What you DECIDE to put in your mouth.⁠

Right before you decide to eat or drink something ask yourself this….⁠

If I say YES to this, what am I saying NO to at the same time?⁠

If I say YES to a cookie, I’m also say NO to my goal.⁠

If I say NO to a cookies, I’m saying YES to my goal.⁠

Your decisions matter.⁠

Every bite of food matters.⁠

What is the next best decision you can make?⁠

xo. ⁠ Valerie

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Masks on!

Masks On

COVID-19 has undoubtedly upped the stress level for Pre-Hospital providers.⁠

We don’t have the luxuries hospitals provide.⁠

I have found myself resentful of that over the last few weeks.⁠

How often do we hear (or say) “It must be nice to….have access all around the patient….have a nice controlled environment….be 72 degrees all day everyday…good lighting” and so on to our hospital providers??⁠

I had big perspective shift after a short email exchange with an ED Doc I admire…I had asked her how she is managing wearing a mask all day. I asked because my first day of focused masking did not go well. With in an hour I had a migraine, by two hours I was nauseated, and by three hours my negative thoughts were spiraling out of control!⁠

My ED Doc agreed, it takes some getting used to. But, what she said next changed by perspective in an instant…”If I were you, I’d go outside as much a possible and take the mask off for a few min.” ⁠

Dang. “It must be nice to”…. have a job where you can go walk outside and take a break from that mask and get some fresh air!⁠

It must be nice to not to take care of 100’s of patients during a 12 hour shift.⁠

I could go on and on about the many benefits we have in this job. ⁠

Don’t take for granted that most of us in the Pre-Hospital Environment get the luxury of being outside, getting fresh air, and can get a break. ⁠

If you are struggling right now, how can you find the good? ⁠

Can you find a shift or change in your perspective?⁠

Just that little shift in perspective can be a game changer.⁠

Have a safe day.⁠

Take care of yourself first, so you can take care of others.⁠

xo. Valerie⁠

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men  in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Safety Reminder!!

Safety Reminder

What are you waiting for to improve your Wellness?⁠

You will never have more time than you do right now. ⁠⏰⁠

You will never be more ready than you are right now.⁠🙋⁠

You don’t need to spend money to improve your wellness. 💰⁠

Working in EMS/HEMS will never get any easier or less stressful…trust me, I know this…I’ve been flying for 19 years!⁠

Your Wellness is up to You my friend.⁠

I’m here to help. ⁠

What can you do RIGHT NOW to improve your Wellness?⁠

💥Drink a glass of water⁠
💥Get outside and walk around⁠
💥Take 5 slow deep breaths⁠
💥Meditate for 5 min⁠

I’d love to connect with you. Send me a DM and ask me any questions. ⁠

Be safe out there! ⁠

xo. Val

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men  in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Stay Well EMS

Stay Well EMS

Good morning!⁠

As many of us head in to work this morning I want you to think about how you can stay well while on Duty.⁠

What would that look like for you?⁠

Are you willing to put your brain to work and figure out how to drink a few extra bottles of water today?⁠

What about deciding to only eat when you are hungry and stop when you feel satisfied…not full?⁠

How can you move you move your body while not on a call?⁠

What about when you feel the stress building up while en route to a trauma? Can you take 4 slow very deep breaths? ⁠

If you do have a bad trauma and you are feeling especially stressed when you clear the hospital (and your not driving!) pull out your phone and play a game on your phone for a few min.⁠

I know these things seem small and don’t seem like they matter, but my friends, they do. ⁠

Taking care of ourselves during this pandemic is critical.⁠

Have a safe day.⁠

xo. Val⁠

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men  in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

These boots….

These boots…⁠

Duty boots are our foundation. ⁠

They carry us and support us on every call.⁠

Boots are strong and rugged on the outside. ⁠

They protect us.⁠

But, our boots can get worn down. ⁠

If we are in our boots more than we are out of our boots it will take a tool on them.⁠

We can extend the life of our boots by taking really good care of them.⁠

Would you take better care of your boots if you knew you only got one pair for your entire career?⁠

What would you do different from what you are doing now?⁠

No matter the circumstances you put those boots through, how they look is entirely up to you.⁠

Your boots are YOU.⁠

Do you see it??⁠

Taking impeccable care of ourselves is in our own hands.⁠

Self Care is not Selfish….it’s necessary.⁠

Go polish those boots on your next shift!!⁠



PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men  in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Self Care is NOT Selfish

Self care is not selfish

Self Care might seem “selfish” at a time like this.⁠

But, this time….this time of COVID-19 our Self-Care is the most important thing.⁠

This can mean many different things to many different people at many different times.⁠

For me, while at work Self-Care is:⁠
*Donning and doffing PPE properly and in as much time as needed⁠
*Eating only when I’m hungry. Stopping when satisfied⁠
*Setting my alarm to drink water⁠
*Taking deep breaths when I feel myself getting stressed⁠
*Talking to my partner about thoughts that are running around in my head⁠
*Getting outside for some fresh air ⁠
*Putting my earbuds in and listening to my favorite songs⁠

At Home my Self-Care looks a little different.⁠
*Prioritizing and Protecting my Sleep⁠
*Planning my food and movement ⁠
*Writing my thoughts down in a journal⁠
*Drinking 1 gallon of water⁠
*Managing my time very intentionally⁠
*Writing in my journal⁠
*Meditating for 5-10 min per day⁠
*Taking the dog for a walk⁠
*Tech free eating⁠
*Listening to books and podcast that move me forward toward my goals⁠
*Hot bath before bed⁠
*Being real and honest with my kids in those rare, still moments⁠

I would love to hear what you do for Self-Care!⁠

Be safe out there my friends. The world needs you.⁠

xo. Valerie⁠

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.

Weight Loss Formula

Here’s a weight loss formula you might not have learned!
What you want most (weight loss) minus what you want now (cupcakes for example)= weight loss.
What do you really want most?
If the answer is Weight Loss, you have to be willing to not have something in this moment that you really want.
This is not easy, and it is not what most people do.
We live in a world of instant gratification. .
Our brain is very confused when we really want something and don’t have it.
Tell your brain that we are giving up the temporary pleasure of cupcakes for the long term satisfaction of achieving our weight loss goal. .
You might feel disappointed for a little bit, and that’s ok.
Seeing the number on the scale go down is totally worth it. I promise!
xo. Val

PS.  I’d love for you to check out a FREE Video I created just for YOU!!  Click on the blue button below to watch it!



Everyone wants more knowledge. 

We believe that the solution to our problems lies somewhere in more information/learning/knowledge.
Our brain loves to learn new things.
The brain thinks it is useful to keep learning more.
It feels like we are doing something productive when we are learning more about our problems.
But learning more does not produce more action.
We can learn all about snowboarding, but until we actually go snowboarding we will not learn how to do it.
Learning about how to lose weight will not make us good at losing weight.
We have to do things, change things, plan things to lose weight.
Spend time trying and doing things that will bring you closer to your goal weight.
I help people stop focusing on their problem and start taking action on the solution.
What actions can you take today that will move you closer to your goal? Tell me in the comments!
xo Val

PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS.   Just click the blue button below to watch the video.

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men  in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.