Sleep Mindset


How we think about sleep will determine how much sleep we get.

Whoa!!  That’s a pretty big claim, but trust me on this.

If you want to improve your sleep, you have to start with improving our off duty sleeping.  If you want to improve your off duty sleeping, you have to first tackle your sleep mindset.

What are your thoughts about sleep?

Any of these sound familiar?

  • I’ll sleep when I’m dead
  • I don’t have time to sleep
  • There is too much going on for me to sleep today
  • Sleep is a luxury
  • Sleep is not a thing when you work this (EMS) job
  • I’m not going to pay a babysitter to watch my kids while I sleep
  • I have to _______
  • No such thing as sleep with a baby/toddler/tween/teen/young adult
  • I’m a light sleeper
  • I can’t sleep during the day
  • I can’t sleep b/c my spouse snores

Thoughts like those will prevent you from getting the sleep you need. Thoughts are very powerful obstacles!

Most of the above mentioned thoughts are just lies you tell yourself….and you just believe them to be true because you have never stopped to question the thought(s). You may even want to argue with me, that, no…it’s true…I don’t have time to sleep.

When I was really in the heart of my sleep struggles, I had sought out sleep advice from many different experts. None of which improved my sleep until I had a Life Coach explain to me how  my Thoughts create my Feelings, my Feeling will drive my Actions, and the actions I take will produce Results in my life.


CTFAR thought Model

I know that I don’t need to tell you how important sleep is.  Our bodies and minds need sleep to function at our highest ability.

If you have been in EMS for any amount of time, you have likely responded to a crash where someone had fallen asleep.

Lack of sleep has very negative effects on our cognitive abilities and affects our physical body as well.

If you are wanting to lose weight, you will have to get your off duty sleep dialed in!

Why is it that we know how important sleeps is yet we STILL DON’T do what needs to be done to get enough of it??

Because of how we Think about sleep.  Sleep mindset.

How we think is directly related to the life we live. Our thoughts will create our results.  If you think shitty thoughts about sleeping…guess what? You’re gonna have shitty sleep. These are not just semantics.  The words that come out of our mouths or the thoughts that stay in your head matter.

Our brains are always scanning for problems. When it finds a problem, it loves to focus on the problem. It feels important to focus on the problem.

When we focus on the problem, we stay IN the problem!! 

When we are IN the problem, we cannot FIND the SOLUTION.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

We have to learn to intentionally focus our brain on the solutions. If thoughts can be obstacles, they can also be the solution.

Focus thinking on how important your sleep is.

  • My body needs to rest and rejuvenate
  • Sleep is my number one fat burner
  • Sleep will help me feel better
  • I deserve to get quality sleep
  • I am at my best when I get adequate sleep
  • Sleep in not a luxury, it is a necessity
  • I choose to sleep now so that I may have a longer life
  • I am a good sleeper
  • I love to sleep
  • Sleep is a priority

When we re-direct our focus to the solution, we will create much different results in our life.  Our brains are good problem solvers, but only when we direct its focus.  My guess is, you have not spent a ton of time on your mindset of sleep. It’s no wonder it hasn’t improved yet.

I have tons and tons of tips and strategies on how to get better sleep, but if we don’t start from the top (brain) down, it won’t be a long term solution.

Does this really matter? Yes. It matters big time.

People want to argue with me that those obstacle thoughts are “true”.  Ok. Maybe. Maybe not.  My question is, why would you want to think them? They don’t serve you. They keep you where you are…stuck and not getting the sleep you need.

We have created the habit of always thinking about, and focusing on the negative, or the problem. It’s what feels most comfortable and familiar. But you don’t HAVE to.

Let’s put this into action. 

Grab the Free PDF Download (click the button at the end of the post) I created for you to write out your thoughts about sleep.  Dump all the thoughts out you have about sleep on these pages.  Don’t edit yourself. It does not have to read like a story, just rando sentences in your head about sleep.

Next spend some time coming up with thoughts you’d like to focus on that will improve your sleep mindset (similar to the examples I provided above!).

After setting the foundation for your sleep mindset, it will be much easier to improve sleep hygiene, and develop a pre-sleep routine!

Have you joined my All EMS Women group yet? Click HERE to join!

This is not like every other EMS group.  Women helping, supporting and encouraging all EMS women.  This industry is hard enough, we need a safe place to get support, mentorship, and friendships.  To join, just answer a few short questions and your request will be approved!  Don’t forget to invite all your lady friends.

Think well my friend.

xo.  Valerie

Weigh in

quarterly weigh in got you down?
I’m right there with ya man.⁠
I hate the weigh in days. This one really snuck up on me.⁠
Using food to make myself feel better has been happening more frequently than I’d like to admit.⁠
If you are tired of your Tight Flight Suit, it’s time to do something about it.⁠
I’ll be hosting a three day (90 min sessions) Workshop next week. You will create a custom eating protocol that you will actually want to follow AND gets you the weight loss you are looking for.⁠
Imagine feeling confident and comfortable in your Flight Suit!! ⁠
In the Workshop, you will lean the three reasons why you haven’t been able to lose weight, 12 tools to create a protocol, and strategies to overcome your biggest obstacles.⁠
If you start now, by your next weigh in you’ll be down at least one size in your flight suit.⁠
The best news is this workshop is ONLY$99 for all three days. ⁠
If you are READY to stop dreading putting on your uniform, head over –>> It will take you to my website where you can sign up for the life changing workshop RFN.⁠
DM me with questions.⁠
xoxo. Valerie⁠

What should I eat?

What should I eat?
There’s a lot of confusion out there when it comes to what we “should” or “shouldn’t” be eating.⁠
The question I hear the most is “What should I eat?” ⁠
My follow up questions is “What do you want to do?” ⁠
✅ Lose Weight⁠
✅ Burn Fat⁠
✅ Gain Muscle⁠
✅ Reduce Inflammation⁠
✅ Balance Hormones⁠
✅ Eliminate Cravings⁠
The food you put in your body will directly influence your results.⁠
The answer is complex and different for each person.⁠
This is what inspired me to create a workshop that will answer this question.⁠
The Protocol Creation Workshop will help you create a way of eating with tools, not rules.⁠
But first, you need to know WHY you haven’t been able to permanently lose weight in the past….this is the science of weight loss. Neurobiology, Biology, and Psychology to be exact. You need this information to create a protocol that will get you the results you’re looking for. ⁠
Next, you need tools to create a protocol that works for you. Not someone else’s rules. When you create your protocol, you are more likely to follow it. I’ll teach you 12 tools to create a protocol that you’ll actually WANT to follow and fits in your life.⁠
Finally, we need to address what keeps getting in your way. These are obstacles, and we need to identify them so that we can come up with strategies to overcome them. This piece is VITAL to your permanent weight loss.⁠
This “Protocol Creation Workshop” is going to be a game changer for you. These are lifetime tools, not gimmicks or fads. ⁠
This Workshop will be over three days, 90 min each and it starts NEXT WEEK. ⁠
All this for only $99. To sign up, click the button below!
See you on Monday!⁠

Come join my communities!  

If you are a WOMEN in EMS, click HERE to join the ALL EMS WOMEN private FB Page!

Open to both Women and Men in EMS is my EMS Weight Loss & Well Being private FB Page.  To join, click HERE.