The Past

My clients want to go to the past.

“When I was thin….when I could do….When I could eat whatever I wanted…”

They romanticize the past and think that everything was so much better “back then”.

What I show them is that their past is what GOT them to where they are NOW…in an overweight body.

Do you really want to go back there? Do you really want to live how you did then now?

Because you will get the same result. Each and every time.

The past is where we learn lessons. 

We use the lessons of the past to make our future better.

What purpose does it serve to keep looking to the past? It just keeps where you are.

This is your primitive brain BTW. It wants you to stay the same. It’s easier that way.

Sure, at times you feel bad about your weight, but it just feels so much better to do what is familiar (aka habits)…like coming home from work and opening a bottle of wine while you cook dinner, or having cheese and crackers after the kids go to bed while you “relax” and watch TV.

Weight loss is hard for many reasons. You are trying to change your habits which is very uncomfortable for your brain. It doesn’t know what you are seeking is long term satisfaction of being at your goal weight. It just wants to feel good in the moment.

These are competing desires. 

On the one hand we have the desire to feel good, avoid pain/suffering, to do what is familiar.

On the other hand we have the desire to lose weight, feel comfortable in our body, sleep better, have less aches and pains, and improve our health.

These are the competing forces of your primitive brain vs your pre-frontal cortex.

If you want permeant weight loss, you are going to have to overcome your primitive desires.

This is not easy. 

You are deciding to feel discomfort on purpose.

This is how we get to the next version of who we are.

You can totally do hard things….I know this because you are in HEMS.

We do hard shit all the time.

We have to make our patients feel discomfort for their own good…think about starting an IV…yes, it is uncomfortable, but we need it to give them medicine that will help you.
If you are up for this weight loss journey, and I really hope you are, you are going to have to commit to feeling discomfort. 

You need to go through the discomfort to get the result you want. 

It’s part of the deal.

But, the good news is I am here to help you. Let me help you lose the extra weight for good.

Click the blue Book Now button below to book a Free 30 min Consult Call with me on a day and time that works best for you. On this call, I will show you how you got where you are and who your future self could be.

Xo. Valerie

PS. I fly full time, so my availability is limited. The sooner you sign up, the better!