What is possible is up to you

Do you spend time thinking about why things are “impossible” for you?⁠
What if you started think about what could be possible?⁠
I know this for sure, it feels a hell of a lot better than thinking about impossibility!⁠
Impossible is only TEMPORARY when you focus on what is possible.⁠
Start by never saying these words again “it’s impossible for me to lose weight right now”.⁠
Reframe it with “it could be POSSIBLE for me to lose weight right now”⁠
Practice thinking that thought, on purpose, many times per day.⁠
See what happens.⁠
What is possible for you is totally up to YOU.⁠
Have a lovely weekend.⁠
xo. Valerie⁠

PS. if you are ready to take the next step, click below to book a free consult phone call with me!

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