I was out for a sunset walk last week and I saw a helicopter.
Lot’s of people likely saw it. It was a beautiful night.
What I realized was we all have different thoughts about what was going on in there.
It’s the difference between “Thinking” and “Knowing”.
Other people “think” they know what goes on in there.
I “know” what happens in the heli because I work in one.
Reminds me of weight loss.
I used to “think” weight loss came from eating less and moving more. Calorie restriction. Counting points. Binging and purging. Low fat high carb or low carb high fat.
Boy was I wrong. All that thinking got me deeper in debt and a bigger flight suit.
I now “know” where weight loss comes from.
I’ll give you a hint…it doesn’t come from anything outside of you.
Sure, I teach several tools for weight loss, but we always land at the same destination!
The helipad is secured and I’m awaiting your arrival.
What’s your ETA???
PS. Watch the FREE video training I made on the ABC’s of Weight Loss for EMS. Just click the blue button below to watch the video.